The GCDS/CWRU SODM Annual Mentorship Program Kickoff event was held on January 11, 2023 at the Fairmount Cocktail Bar in Cleveland Heights.
Thank you to all of our GCDS Mentors and CWRU SODM Mentees that attended this wonderful event.
In collaboration with the CWRU School of Dentistry, the Dr. Daniel Verne Mentorship Program offers the unique opportunity for GCDS members and current dental school students to form a long lasting professional relationship.Take a minute to think back to when you were in dental school. If you didn’t have a mentor, would having one have helped you? If you did have a mentor, are you ready to pay that experience forward?
Students at the CWRU School of Dental Medicine need you — your experience - your knowledge - and even your teeth (extracted teeth, that is).
Becoming a mentor doesn’t have to involve a huge time commitment — some communicate only via email and have just one face-to-face meeting a year at the annual Mentor Reception, while others interact more frequently. The relationship can be tailored to meet the needs of both parties.
Additionally, you needn’t have graduated from CWRU to participate, all GCDS members are welcome. Even geography doesn’t have to be a deciding factor — mentors and students routinely communicate via email and phone.
This might be the opportunity you are looking for to find and maybe even hire one of the students you mentor to be an Associate in your practice. As a mentor you can help students obtain extracted teeth and talk shop — but the beauty of the program is that participants get to choose what level of involvement they’d like to have.
With a joint effort of The Greater Cleveland Dental Society and CWRU School of Dentistry, the Dr. Daniel Verne Mentorship Program was developed for students who wish to have a GCDS member assigned to them to use as a resource throughout dental school. GCDS pairs dental students with practicing dentists who support and encourage the student during dental school, and educate him/her in areas of professional ethics, practice management and help increase the student's awareness of the importance of organized dentistry.
The benefits to students are limitless; it helps them establish good relationships with professionals and provides them with first-hand knowledge of what it takes to be a successful dentist in today's environment. Possibly even opening post graduation doors of employment .